The following links are provided for your convenience. These links provide valuable information for both employees and retirees.


City of Knoxville

City of Knoxville Employees’ Credit Union

City of Knoxville Pension Charter

IRS Withholding Calculator

Knox County

Knox County Retirement Office Contact Information

Knoxville Firefighters Federal Credit Union

Knoxville Law Enforcement Federal Credit Union

Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) Benefits – 865-558-2452

Office on Aging

Empower – City Employee Deferred Compensation Plan

Active Employees:  Ben Dickinson 865-431-1489 or

          Retirees: 800-701-8255

Senior Centers

Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability

Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System


We have provided these links as a convenience to our members and do not endorse or promote any products offered by these institutions.
