III: OPTION C – CASH REFUND OPTION – Beneficiary(ies) may be changed after retirement
Upon retired employee’s death beneficiary is entitled to a one-time payment of the unused actuarial value of the retiree’s benefit. Unused actuarial value of the retiree’s benefit is determined by subtracting all benefit payments made to retiree from the actuarial value of the retiree’s benefit determined at the time of retirement using actuarial assumptions adopted by the Pension Board.
Eligibility and details of retirement requirements are dependent upon which plan the employee is a member. Descriptions of the plans may be found at the “About the Plans” tab. A questionnaire for requesting an estimate for retirement including DROP and Normal retirement options is on the forms page to assist the Pension Benefit Administrator with providing the most accurate information to employees interested in retiring.
Disability Retirement
There are two types of disability retirement provisions for employees 1) in-line of duty, which is requested if the employee is injured as a result of a work related incident and is permanently disabled and 2) not in-line of duty, which is requested if the employee is permanently disabled for either a physical or mental disability not as a result of a work related incident. The provisions for each of these types of disabilities are specific to which plan the employee is a member. There are procedures in place for applying for a disability retirement which can be found in the forms section of the website. The application and the medical certification forms are also on the forms page. Once all the information is provided to the System, the Pension Board will evaluate the request on an individual basis based on the information provided and make a determination. Disability retirements requests are processed and initially evaluated by Kristi Paczkowski Kristi Fowler Paczkowski, Executive Director, kristip@cokpension.org, 865-215-7753 if you have any questions.
Members or former members of the City of Knoxville Employees’ Pension System desiring to withdraw their employee contributions from the System upon a termination of service need to sign and file a written application for refund of employee contributions with the Pension Board. The application, based on the plan the employee is a member of for a refund can be found in the Forms page of this section and must be approved by the Pension Board at their next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Refund of Contributions requests are processed by the Pension Benefit Administrator of your respective division: Martina Ketterman (Uniformed)Martina Ketterman, Pension Benefit Administrator, mketterman@cokpension.org, 865-215-7751 or Amanda Bradley (General Government)Amanda Bradley, Pension Benefit Administrator, abradley@cokpension.org, 865-215-7752.